
My self MD Aftab Alam , I have 4.8 years experience as Software Engineer in Java Plate-from.

Over all 4  years 8 Months of proven skill-sets in various technologies like Java 1.8 , J2EE (Servlet, JSP), Spring and Hibenate,HTML , Java Script , XML, Mysql and Mongodb.Have successfully managed, develop and deployed many projects on various technologies like Java, J2EE, Spring 4.x and Hibernate 4.x , HTML, Java Script ,XML with backend Tomcat 7 and MySql.

Have strong interpersonal, communicational, analytical & leadership capabilities with sound ability to take prompt & difficult decisions for organizational well being.

I have also Experience in  java technology : – Java ,J2ee, Servlet, Jsp , Struct 2.x , Hibernate, Spring , Web services in jersey 2.x

Sql  Plate-form : – Mysql , Oracele , DB2 , Sql Server.

NoSql Plate-form :-  Dyanmodb , Mongodb , Hive , Cassandra, Hbase

UI Plate-form :-  Html, CSS, Javascript ,JQuery,Ajax,



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