Java interview questions

1) What is indexing

2) What is query optimation

3) Create custom stack in java

4) Path variable in spring and rest

5) What is secondary index in aws dynamodb

6) Parent and child relation on mysql same table.?

7) can mongodb and dynamodb support joins ?
8) What is index in aws and mongodb

9) difference between session and sessionFactory

10) what is immutable class and how to create custom immutable

11) what is Singleton class in java and  how to create custom singleton class

12) find second largest number from array

13) find duplicate object from array

14)  Difference between BeanContext and ApplicationContext

15)  what is serialVersionUID in class Serialisation

16)Difference between PUT vs. POST in REST application .

17 ) What is ecoding and decoding in url ??
18 ) find duplicate row in mysql
19 ) Revese array at postion